Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pep Rally Schedule for Friday

7:42 – 8:44                  Block 1A         (62 min.)        

8:49 – 8:55                  Advisory         (6 min.)                 

9:00 – 10:02                  Block 2A         (62 min.)

10:07 – 11:09         Block 4A*         (62 min.)        

11:09 – 11:34         Lunch 1         (25 min.)                          

11:39 -12:41                  Block 3A-1         (62 min.)

11:14 -12:16                  Block 3A-2         (62 min.)

12:16 – 12:41         Lunch 2         (25 min.)

12:46 – 12:51         Advisory**

1:00 – 2:00                  Assembly (Gym)

2:05                           Dismissal

4th block senior privilege suspended for this day.

§  Teachers are to take attendance at the beginning of each Advisory. Please report second Advisory absences at the end of the day (not in Power School).
§  Students will be called by class to the Gym beginning at 12:51.
§  Students are to leave all books, bags and belongings in their Advisory rooms.
§  After the Assembly students will be released back to their Advisory rooms to pick up their belongings before the dismissal bell.
§  2:05 Dismissal