Wednesday, May 30, 2012


There will be a boys’ baseball banquet at Blonders Park at 5:00 on Thursday. All members of the JV and Varsity team are invited to attend. Juniors please provide drinks, sophomore need to bring chips, and freshman desserts.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Announcements for Today

Coffee House
The final coffee house of the year is outside in the courtyard on Tuesday, May 29 @ 7pm. We have a huge list of acts. Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy the show!

Freshmen and Sophomores and NHS There will be another informational meeting on our National Honor Society for freshmen/sophomores and parents on Tuesday, May 29 @ 2:15 in room 211. The purpose of the meeting is to explain the selection process, give advice and answer questions. The meeting is optional for parents and/or students.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Class Elections Today

They're running an Activity Day schedule today. At the end of MM you'll go to the GYM to vote for your class officers next year. Bring something to write with but DON'T bring the rest of your stuff. You'll come back here after elections.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Attention all study hall and senior lounge students:

Mrs. Fagan is in need of slave laborers to stamp and number many new English books. She will pay handsomely in baked goods or candy for jobs well done. Please report to the APO if you are a willing and able worker.

Fall Sports

All students that are playing a fall sport can pick up their medical forms from the nurses office now.

Ledyard Safe Teens

The Ledyard Safe Teens Coalition is looking for participants to march in the Memorial Day Parade. Permission slips are in the office and must be returned by Friday. Participants will get a $5 Dunkin Donuts gift card.

Athletic Booster Club

All LHS gear is on sale – 35% off! Sweats, hoodies, window clings, t-shirts and more are available in the main office. Get yours now!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Class Elections

Any students interested in running for class office for the next school year should see Mr. Casertano in room 405 ASAP. Speeches need to be written and submitted to Mr. Casertano by Tuesday, May 22nd. Elections will take place on Friday, May 25th.


Yearbook distribution for grades 9-11 will occur during both lunches on Thursday, May 31 and Friday, June 1. Simply show your school ID to pick up your book. ID WILL BE CHECKED. You must pick up your book, along with complimentary commemorative pen, at the table during lunch on those days; they WILL NOT be delivered to you.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Activity Period Schedule May 16

Amnesty International Mr. Jannke 211
Boys Soccer Mr. Glenney Gym [Aux]
Dog Scouts Ms. O'Keefe Animal Science
E.C.O.S. ( Environmentally Concerned Organization of Students) Ms. Rodriguez Cafeteria
FFA Agri-Science Staff Agri-Science
First Robotics Mr. Estabrooks Metal Shop
Freshman Advisory Mr. Van Frachen 404
Gay Straight Alliance Mr. Palmieri 111
Girls' Soccer Mr. Prior Gym [Main]
Gospel Club Ms. Thompson Chorus Room
Innervisions Ms. Park 112
Operation Smile Ms. Riley 310
PALESTRA  Mr. Person Gym
Sophomore Advisory Ms. Evans 303
Spanish Club
* Prior Sign-Up Required *
Ms. Anderson 205
Student Congress   Mr. Casertano 405
Volleyball Mr. Buonocore Gym
YES Club  Ms. Colon 117
Youth Alive Bible Club Mr. Ewing 414

Activity Day Tomorrow

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Freshmen / Sophomores and NHS

There will be an informational meeting on our National Honor Society for freshmen/sophomores and parents on May 15th and 29th. The purpose of the meetings is to explain the selection process, give advice and answer questions. These meetings are optional for parents and students, and both meetings will cover the same topics. The May 15th meeting will be at 7:00 pm and the May 29th meeting will be at 2:15 pm, both in room 211.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


The True Size Of Africa

Activity Period Options

Amnesty International Mr. Jannke 211
Chinese Club Dr. Wang 305
Dog Scouts Ms. O'Keefe Animal Science
E.C.O.S. ( Environmentally Concerned Organization of Students) Ms. Rodriguez Cafeteria
FFA Agri-Science Staff Agri-Science
First Robotics Mr. Estabrooks Metal Shop
Gay Straight Alliance Mr. Palmieri 111
Girls / Boys Swim Mr. Murphy Room 406
Gospel Club Ms. Thompson Chorus Room
Girls Cross Country Mr. Douglass` Room 203
Innervisions Ms. Park 112
Operation Smile Ms. Riley 310
PALESTRA  Mr. Person Gym
Sophomore Advisory Ms. Evans 303
Spanish Club
* Prior Sign-Up Required *
Ms. Anderson 205
Trip to France Ms. Sylvestre Room 206
YES Club  Ms. Colon 117
Youth Alive Bible Club Mr. Ewing 414