Friday, September 7, 2012

Blue and White Day Agenda - Sept. 12 (UPDATED)

*Band members will be dismissed to the gymnasium at 12:30pm (with 10 minutes left in Block 4). The cheerleaders and the chamber choir will be dismissed to the gymnasium at 12:41 (end of block 4)*

1:00pm---Pep Band is playing as the students are entering the gymnasium and will be seated by class. Seniors will be with the band in the bleachers straight ahead when entering. Juniors will be to the back right (near bomb shelter entrance). Sophomores will be to the immediate far right (near boys PE locker room) and freshman to the immediate near right when entering the gym.

1:04—Introduction (Amanda Fagan)
1:05—National Anthem (Chamber Choir)
1:07—Cheerleader Dance Routine
1:10—Academic Recognition (Administration)
1:20— New Teacher Introduction (Kelsey Johnson & Abby Bora)
1:25 - Winner of Yearbook Cover Art Contest (Kelsey Johnson)
1:27   Pep Band Transition
1:29—Athletic Recognition (Buonocore)
1:47—Cheerleader Routine 
1:49—Chamber Choir
1:52---Introduction of Class Officers/Student Congress (Casertano)
1:56---Pep Band Transition (students return to morning meetings)