Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
AIM 60 Wednesday Dec 12
We have a 60 minute AIM period on Wednesday. We will go to the auditorium for a college planning workshop. After 30 minutes, those who took the PSAT will stay for the rest of the period to discuss the results. Those who did not take the PSAT will return to our room with me.
Monday, December 3, 2012
AIM 45 on Thursday
We have a 45 minute AIM on Thursday. We'll do an activity called Name that Person and then we'll do academic check-ins so I can discuss your progress with you. If we've already met, be sure to bring some homework to work on.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
New Exam Schedule
This is the new schedule:
· Thursday, January 10, and Friday, January 11, will no longer be flipped. Thursday will be a 1-4 day, and Friday will be a 5-8 day.
· Monday, January 14, through Friday, January 18, will be reclaimed as part of Quarter 2. This is a gain of five days, even though we’re only short by four after making up one on Election Day.
· Thursday, January 17, and Friday, January 18, will be swapped. Thursday will be blocks 5-8. Friday will be blocks 1-4. This will allow students to see their block 1 and 2 teachers the last day before their exam.
· Monday, January 21, is MLK day…there is definitely no school for students on this day; there may be a PD day for teachers here. I’ll keep you posted.
· Tuesday, January 22: Exams 1 and 2, classes meet for 3 and 4
· Wednesday, January 23: Exams 3 and 4, classes meet for 5 and 6
· Thursday, January 24: Exams 5 and 6, classes meet for 7 and 8
· Friday, January 25: Exams 7 and 8…kids go home after the second exam; the afternoon is make-up exams and grading time
· Monday, January 28: make up exams for kids…otherwise no school for kids, and grading/Semester 2 prep for teachers.
· Thursday, January 31: Grades are due!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Schedule Leading up to Turkey Day
- Tuesday, 11/13: Blocks 1-4
- Wednesday, 11/14: Blocks 5-8 (with a 30-minute Activity Period)
- Thursday, 11/15: Blocks 1-4 (early release day—conferences 12:30-2:30, 5:00-8:00)
- Friday, 11/16: Blocks 5-8
- Monday, 11/19: Blocks 1-4
- Tuesday, 11/20: Blocks 5-8
Friday, November 9, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
FreeRice Competition
Help the junior class win spirit points by playing freerice.com. Follow these instructions.
Girls Basketball
Any girls interested in playing basketball this season should sign up in the main office.
Financial Aid Night
Financial Aid Night has been rescheduled to Tuesday November 13th at 6:30pm in the LHS Auditorium. A guest speaker from a college financial aid office will answer your questions and guide you through the financial aid process.
Boys’ Basketball
All boys that plan on playing basketball this winter will have a meeting on Wed., Nov 14th in the main gym during activity period. Also, there is a mandatory preseason meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 13th at 7:30 pm in the main gym. Every player should have a parent or guardian present at the meeting on the 13th.
Activity Period Nov 14
It's official, next Wednesday we will have an AIM30 and the whole thing will be just an Activity Period.
Friday Pep Rally Schedule
– 8:44 Block
5 (62
– 8:55 Advisory (6
– 10:02 Block
6 (62
10:07 – 11:09 Block
8* (62

– 11:34 Lunch
1 (25
-12:16 Block
7-1 (62
-12:41 Block 7-2 (65
– 12:41 Lunch
2 (25
![]() |
– 12:51 Advisory**
– 2:00 Pep
Rally (Gym)
2:05 Dismissal
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Updates on Schedule
- The Board is voting tonight on adding this coming Monday (Veteran's Day) back into our schedule along with the day before Thanksgiving.
- No Activity Period this week
- AIM next Wednesday, not sure of topic yet
- Next Thursday is parent conferences, so it is a HALF Day
Friday, November 2, 2012
Spirit Week Themes
Monday: Sports Day – dress to support your favorite team
Tuesday: Patriotic/Red, White, and Blue Day
Wednesday: Dress like your favorite fictional character – Movie, TV, Cartoon, Literary
Thursday: Throwback Thursday! Dress from your favorite decade of the past
Friday: Class Color Day GREEN
Tuesday: Patriotic/Red, White, and Blue Day
Wednesday: Dress like your favorite fictional character – Movie, TV, Cartoon, Literary
Thursday: Throwback Thursday! Dress from your favorite decade of the past
Friday: Class Color Day GREEN
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Spirit Week Tees
Tie-dye Spirit week t-shirts go on sale Tuesday, October 23rd in the cafeteria. $11 and must be paid when placing your order. We will be showcased during spirit week in the newspaper and TV. Checks can be made payable to LHS. Show your Colonel Pride!
AIM 45 this Thursday
We'll be together this Thursday for the full 45 minutes of AIM. I will continue to meet with you individually. PLEASE bring some work to do for the "free time." Nothing else going on with the schedule this week.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
AIM 45 Thursday
We'll stay in Advisory the whole 45 mins. We'll finish up the paperwork and I will begin to meet with you all individually.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Cross Country
Mr. Douglass recorded his 300th career cross country meet win yesterday as our girls team defeated Stonington. Congratulations Coach Douglass on this outstanding achievement!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Balfour Ring Company
The Balfour Ring Company will be back at Ledyard High School on Friday, October 12th.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Thursday, October 4, 2012
October AIM Schedule
AIM Date
Grade 11
October 1
#4 October 10
45 minutes
Student Profile, Academic Check In
Activity Day
#5 October 18
45 minutes
Academic Check In, Academic Support
October 20
#6 October 25
45 Minutes
Academic Check In, Academic Support
#7 October 31
45 minutes
Quarter I Ends
Academic Check In, Quarterly Goals, Academic Support
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Green Impact Aid Forms due FRIDAY
Reminder: The green impact aid forms that were distributed in morning meetings on Tuesday have to be turned in to your teacher (signed by a parent or guardian) by this Friday!
Attention all Sophomores and Juniors: The PSAT will be administered on Saturday, October 20, 2012. Students can sign up in the guidance office until October 17th and the cost is $22.00.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
PINK OUT this Thursday, Oct. 4th
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month---You can help fight breast cancer by donating at lunch to the Terri Brodeur Breast Cancer Foundation at the Key Club table in the cafe. This local, non-profit group is committed to fight breast cancer by directing 100% of gross fundraising dollars directly to breast cancer research. With your donation you will get to sign your name to a pledge form. All pink ribbon pledge forms will be hung on the wall in the cafeteria. Show your support to the cause and DONATE $ and WEAR PINK on October 4th
Monday, October 1, 2012
Student Congress Fall Blood Drive
Fall Blood Drive is coming! If you are 17 or older and would like to donate blood, please sign up in the cafeteria during lunch. The blood drive will take place on Oct 16th from 8am-2pm. All faculty and staff are encouraged to participate as well.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
I'll give them your schedules, you just need to make sure they can find me in 211.
We all need to finish up our schedules for our parents @ open house
Be sure to write a note to your parents, or at least say hi :)
Monday, September 24, 2012
Thursday is the only WIERD Day this Week
So this will be the most "normal" week yet. The only deviation from the norm is on Thursday. On Thursday, we have...
- AIM60
- PSAT Assembly
- Activity Period
- Open House - 6pm
Monday, September 17, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Tomorrow's Schedule in Simple Form
62 Minute Classes
Block 5
Block 6
Block 8
Block 7/Lunch
Pep Ralley
Block 5
Block 6
Block 8
Block 7/Lunch
Pep Ralley
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Pep Rally/Blue and White Assembly Bell Schedule
– 8:44 Block 5 (62 min.)
– 8:55 Advisory (6 min.)
– 10:02 Block 6 (62 min.)
10:07 – 11:09 Block 8* (62
– 11:34 Lunch 1 (25 min.)
-12:16 Block 7-1 (62 min.)
11:39 -12:41 Block
7-2 (65 min.)
– 12:41 Lunch 2 (25 min.)
– 12:51 Advisory
– 2:00 Pep Rally (Gym)
2:05 Dismissal
privilege suspended for this day.
§ Teachers are to take attendance
at the beginning of each M.M. Please report second MM absences at the end of
the day.
§ Students will be called by
class to the Gym beginning at 12:51.
§ Students are to leave all
books, bags and belongings in their Morning Meeting rooms.
§ After the Assembly students
will be released back to their Morning Meeting rooms to pick up their
belongings before the dismissal bell.
2:05 Dismissal
Friday, September 7, 2012
Advisory Schedule: September
AIM Date
Grade 11
of Advisory: what
do students want?
Goal Setting: academic,
career, personal
Building Poster Activity
Review, Using Agenda Books
Assembly in the auditorium
Blue and White Day Agenda - Sept. 12 (UPDATED)
members will be dismissed to the gymnasium at 12:30pm (with 10 minutes left in
Block 4). The cheerleaders and the
chamber choir will be dismissed to the gymnasium at 12:41 (end of block
Band is playing as the students are entering the gymnasium and will be seated
by class. Seniors will be with the band in the bleachers straight ahead when
entering. Juniors will be to the back right (near bomb shelter entrance).
Sophomores will be to the immediate far right (near boys PE locker room) and
freshman to the immediate near right when entering the gym.
1:04—Introduction (Amanda Fagan)
1:05—National Anthem (Chamber Choir)
1:07—Cheerleader Dance Routine
1:10—Academic Recognition
1:20— New Teacher Introduction (Kelsey Johnson & Abby Bora)
1:25 - Winner of Yearbook Cover Art Contest
(Kelsey Johnson)
Pep Band Transition
1:29—Athletic Recognition (Buonocore)
1:47—Cheerleader Routine
1:49—Chamber Choir
1:52---Introduction of Class Officers/Student
Congress (Casertano)
1:56---Pep Band Transition (students
return to morning meetings)
Thursday, September 6, 2012
FREE Book Covers
FREE Book Covers are now available in the Career Center (Rm 312) and in the library.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Blue and White Day Agenda - Sept. 12
*Band members will be dismissed to the gymnasium at 12:30pm
(with 10 minutes left in Block 4). The cheerleaders will be dismissed to the
gymnasium at 12:41 (end of block 4)*
1:00pm---Pep Band is playing as the students are entering
the gymnasium and will be seated by class. Seniors will be with the band in the
bleachers straight ahead when entering. Juniors will be to the back right (near
bomb shelter entrance). Sophomores will be to the immediate far right (near
boys PE locker room) and freshman to the immediate near right when entering the
(Amanda Fagan)
Anthem (Chamber Choir)
Dance Routine
Recognition (Administration)
1:20—Pep Band
1:22—Athletic Recognition
1:42—New Teacher
Introduction (Administration)
of Class Officers/Student Congress (Casertano)
1:56---Pep Band
Transition (students return to morning meetings)
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Friday's Schedule
Block 5
7:42 - 9:05 (83 min)
Morning Meeting
9:10 - 9:16 (6 min)
Block 6
9:21 - 10:44 (83 min)
Lunch 1
10:44 - 11:09 (25 min)
Block 7-1
11:14 - 12:37 (83 min)
Block 7-2
10:49 - 12:12 (83 min)
Lunch 2
12:12 - 12:37 (25 min)
Block 8
12:42 - 2:05 (83 min)
Today's Schedule (Thursday)
Regular Day Bell Schedule
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
You don't need to bring me much. Just bring me the following.
- Emergency Card (the card)
- The PINK form (must be signed on BOTH sides)
- Your personal info form (allows Guidance to update PowerSchool with all the correct info)
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Welcome Back!
Welcome back. I know you already think I am crazy, but I did miss you all this summer. You are a great, diverse bunch and you certainly keep me on my toes. Looking forward to another great year as you mature into adulthood and set sails for more exciting experiences. I promise I won't dance this year!
Day One Schedule
Morning Meeting 7:42 – 7:58 (16
Block 1 8:03 – 8:43 (37 min.)
Block 5 8:48 – 9:25 (37 min.)
Block 2* 9:30 – 10:10 (40 min.)
6 10:15 – 10:52 (37 min.)
Block 3, Lunch 1 10:52 – 11:17 (25
Block 3-1 11:22 – 12:00 (37 min.)
Block 3-2 10:57 – 11:34 (37 min.)
3, Lunch 2 11:34 – 11:59 (25 min.)
Block 7 12:04 – 12:41 (37 min.)
Block 4 12:46 – 1:23 (37 min.)
Block 8 1:28 – 2:05 (37 min.)
Thursday and Friday of this week with be normal Thursday and Friday schedules, then you'll pick up with a normal Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday schedule next week, since we don't have school on Monday!!!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
NHS Ping-Pong Tournament
This Wednesday, June 6th join your fellow students in the LHS gymnasium at 6:30 to catch the NHS Ping-Pong Tournament for Autism! Players must sign up in the cafeteria and pay at the door. Top 3 places will get $20, $10 and $5 gift card to Dick’s Sporting Goods. The cost is $5 to play and $2 to watch.
AP Biology
Students that are signed up to take AP Biology next year need to come to Room 103 to get their summer work from Mr. Bednarz.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
There will be a boys’ baseball banquet at Blonders Park at 5:00 on Thursday. All members of the JV and Varsity team are invited to attend. Juniors please provide drinks, sophomore need to bring chips, and freshman desserts.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Announcements for Today
Coffee House
The final coffee house of the year is outside in the courtyard on Tuesday, May 29 @ 7pm. We have a huge list of acts. Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy the show!
Freshmen and Sophomores and NHS There will be another informational meeting on our National Honor Society for freshmen/sophomores and parents on Tuesday, May 29 @ 2:15 in room 211. The purpose of the meeting is to explain the selection process, give advice and answer questions. The meeting is optional for parents and/or students.
The final coffee house of the year is outside in the courtyard on Tuesday, May 29 @ 7pm. We have a huge list of acts. Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy the show!
Freshmen and Sophomores and NHS There will be another informational meeting on our National Honor Society for freshmen/sophomores and parents on Tuesday, May 29 @ 2:15 in room 211. The purpose of the meeting is to explain the selection process, give advice and answer questions. The meeting is optional for parents and/or students.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Class Elections Today
They're running an Activity Day schedule today. At the end of MM you'll go to the GYM to vote for your class officers next year. Bring something to write with but DON'T bring the rest of your stuff. You'll come back here after elections.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Attention all study hall and senior lounge students:
Mrs. Fagan is in need of slave laborers to stamp and number many new English books. She will pay handsomely in baked goods or candy for jobs well done. Please report to the APO if you are a willing and able worker.
Fall Sports
All students that are playing a fall sport can pick up their medical forms from the nurses office now.
Ledyard Safe Teens
The Ledyard Safe Teens Coalition is looking for participants to march in the Memorial Day Parade. Permission slips are in the office and must be returned by Friday. Participants will get a $5 Dunkin Donuts gift card.
Athletic Booster Club
All LHS gear is on sale – 35% off! Sweats, hoodies, window clings, t-shirts and more are available in the main office. Get yours now!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Class Elections
Any students interested in running for class office for the next school year should see Mr. Casertano in room 405 ASAP. Speeches need to be written and submitted to Mr. Casertano by Tuesday, May 22nd. Elections will take place on Friday, May 25th.
Yearbook distribution for grades 9-11 will occur during both lunches on Thursday, May 31 and Friday, June 1. Simply show your school ID to pick up your book. ID WILL BE CHECKED. You must pick up your book, along with complimentary commemorative pen, at the table during lunch on those days; they WILL NOT be delivered to you.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Activity Period Schedule May 16
Amnesty International | Mr. Jannke | 211 |
Boys Soccer | Mr. Glenney | Gym [Aux] |
Dog Scouts | Ms. O'Keefe | Animal Science |
E.C.O.S. ( Environmentally Concerned Organization of Students) | Ms. Rodriguez | Cafeteria |
FFA | Agri-Science Staff | Agri-Science |
First Robotics | Mr. Estabrooks | Metal Shop |
Freshman Advisory | Mr. Van Frachen | 404 |
Gay Straight Alliance | Mr. Palmieri | 111 |
Girls' Soccer | Mr. Prior | Gym [Main] |
Gospel Club | Ms. Thompson | Chorus Room |
Innervisions | Ms. Park | 112 |
Operation Smile | Ms. Riley | 310 |
PALESTRA | Mr. Person | Gym |
Sophomore Advisory | Ms. Evans | 303 |
Club * Prior Sign-Up Required * |
Ms. Anderson | 205 |
Student Congress | Mr. Casertano | 405 |
Volleyball | Mr. Buonocore | Gym |
YES Club | Ms. Colon | 117 |
Youth Alive Bible Club | Mr. Ewing | 414 |
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Freshmen / Sophomores and NHS
There will be an informational meeting on our National Honor Society for freshmen/sophomores and parents on May 15th and 29th. The purpose of the meetings is to explain the selection process, give advice and answer questions. These meetings are optional for parents and students, and both meetings will cover the same topics. The May 15th meeting will be at 7:00 pm and the May 29th meeting will be at 2:15 pm, both in room 211.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Activity Period Options
Amnesty International | Mr. Jannke | 211 |
Chinese Club | Dr. Wang | 305 |
Dog Scouts | Ms. O'Keefe | Animal Science |
E.C.O.S. ( Environmentally Concerned Organization of Students) | Ms. Rodriguez | Cafeteria |
FFA | Agri-Science Staff | Agri-Science |
First Robotics | Mr. Estabrooks | Metal Shop |
Gay Straight Alliance | Mr. Palmieri | 111 |
Girls / Boys Swim | Mr. Murphy | Room 406 |
Gospel Club | Ms. Thompson | Chorus Room |
Girls Cross Country | Mr. Douglass` | Room 203 |
Innervisions | Ms. Park | 112 |
Operation Smile | Ms. Riley | 310 |
PALESTRA | Mr. Person | Gym |
Sophomore Advisory | Ms. Evans | 303 |
Club * Prior Sign-Up Required * |
Ms. Anderson | 205 |
Trip to France | Ms. Sylvestre | Room 206 |
YES Club | Ms. Colon | 117 |
Youth Alive Bible Club | Mr. Ewing | 414 |
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